Product series:
Panthera TEC MAT

Microscopes in the Panthera TEC series are extremely useful for inspecting semiconductors and composite materials, especially for technical training and industrial quality control. Bright field, dark field, and simple polarization contrast are combined with new segmental illumination. This concept delivers oblique incident illumination, perfect for detecting scratches or other defects on flat and reflective surfaces without needing to move the sample.

Microscope Panthera TEC MAT BD-T trino; infinity, plan, 50x-500x, 10x/22mm; Al/Dl, LED, 3W
$ 8,200.00

Microscope Panthera TEC MAT BD trino; infinity, plan, 50x-500x, 10x/22mm; Al, LED, 3W
$ 7,800.00

Microscope Panthera TEC MAT BF-T trino; infinity, plan, 50x-500x, 10x/22mm; Al/Dl, LED, 3W
$ 5,700.00

Microscope Panthera TEC MAT BF trino; infinity, plan, 50x-500x, 10x/22mm; Al, LED, 3W
$ 5,400.00
The Panthera TEC BD models feature LD Plan BD lenses offerning superb imaging performance, mounted on a 5-fold encoded nosepiece. The light intensity for each lens position is automatically stored and later retrieved when the objective is swung back into place. The compact Epi illumination features a polariser and analyser slot, ready for polarisation contrast and to reduce internal reflection. The illuminator also includes controls to vary incident light in BF or DF mode and illumination angle. The extended 22mm field of view (FOV) offers 21% more visual area compared to a basic 20mm FOV system. The trinocular version’s beam splitter (25° viewing angle) is set to 50/50 (vis/photo). The Panthera TEC is clearly oriented toward the material sciences. Incident illumination is provided by a 3W LED with freely selectable colour temperature. The reflected/transmitted light stand for composite materials also features a transmitted light LED illumination system with 39 LEDs mounted in a LED condenser. A stage with a glass insert is used here. Two stage options (6"x4", 3"x2") provide flexibility for working with varying sample sizes. The Panthera TEC models close the remaining gap in the Panthera family. Now opaque industrial samples can also be examined with enhanced ease of use: brilliant optics for impactful image results, flexible models for a wide range of applications, and smart microscope control functionality.