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Infographic: Astrohighlights in Summer 2024

June 5 2024, Marcus Schenk

Warm summer nights under a clear sky – this is not only a beautiful sight for amateur astronomers. Of course the nights are now particularly short, but even in the astronomically bright sky we can observe wonderful events. How about a first-class planetary meeting, a close encounter between Spica and the Moon and the long-awaited occultation of the planet Saturn by the Moon? We are certainly also looking forward to the shooting stars in August.

In the current infographic “Astrohighlights in Summer 2024” we have compiled the most beautiful celestial events.

Feel free to use the graphics on your website (with a link to www.astroshop.eu) and also inform your visitors about upcoming exciting events.


3.6. Mars meets the Moon
A celestial spectacle awaits early birds on June 3rd. As you look East at dawn, you will witness the reddish Mars and the thin crescent Moon forming a close conjunction – separated only by 2.6 degrees in the sky. This cosmic meeting is not only a fascinating sight, but also a great opportunity for astrophotography.

11.6. The Moon meets Regulus
A celestial view that looks almost royal can be admired tonight: The Moon joins Regulus, the bright main star of the constellation of Leo. The Moon will accompany the majestic lion for two more days, before continuing its journey and entering the next constellation.

16.6. Spica meets the Moon
On June 16th you can pay attention to a close meeting in the night sky between the Moon and Spica, the main star in Virgo. The two approach each other at a distance of only 0.25 degrees. Almost a “cosmic kiss” between these two celestial bodies. Spica, often occulted by the Moon, stays out of an occultation tonight. However, the short distance to the Moon offers an excellent opportunity for observers and photographers to capture this event. So get your telescopes and cameras ready!

27.6. The Moon meets Saturn
In the night of June 27th to 28th the Moon will be relatively close to Saturn. The Moon will approach the ringed planet during its journey and it will almost appear, as if our Moon is going to cover Saturn. From our latitude however, this phenomenon is not visible, as the Moon and Saturn are only visible after midnight. Unfortunately there is no occultation now – we have to wait a bit longer for such an event.

28.6. The Moon meets Neptune
While the rest of the World is still asleep in the early hours of June 28th, the Moon slowly moves towards Neptune – the distant gas giant on the outer edge of our Solar System. With a telescope we can try to catch a glimpse of this planet. Due to its great distance, it appears only as a small disk without recognizable details.

1.7. Comet 12P/Olbers
Comets are visitors to the inner Solar System before they disappear for a long time into the outer regions thereof. Once in a while it does happen that they are becoming really bright objects. This year we have already had the luck to observe the comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. In July a relatively bright comet can be seen in the sky: The comet 12P/Olbers. It will reach a brightness of 7.5 mag at the beginning of the month and can be seen with binoculars or a telescope. Unfortunately it is close to the horizon, thus making an observation not so easy. First you should find a location with a unobstructed view of the horizon. In addition, the horizon must be crystal clear, because even small or thin clouds can disturb the observation. If the conditions are good, you should definitely try to observe it!

2./3.7. The Moon meets Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and the Pleiades
The dawn of July 2nd and 3rd offers a beautiful celestial spectacle: The thin crescent Moon meets the planets Jupiter, Mars and Uranus during the night. All these objects are located near the famous Pleiades star cluster. This constellation offers an excellent opportunity for astrophotography in order to capture the meeting of these different celestial objects.

6.7. Ceres in opposition
In the night of July 6th Ceres, the largest dwarf planet in our Solar System, will reach its opposition point. This means that it appears to stand directly opposite to the Sun and is therefore visible all night long. With a brightness of 7.3 mag, Ceres is theoretically visible even with binoculars under favorable conditions, although a telescope is recommended for the observation. Due to its star-like appearance, it is necessary to use a star map to undoubtedly identify Ceres in the starry sky. Being without the distinctive features of a planet, the observation of Ceres requires careful planning and observation.

15.7. Mars meets Uranus
In the early morning of July 15th, it is worth looking at the sky when Mars passes by just below Uranus. The two planets will approach each other just shy of half a degree. This means they will appear in the same field of view in a telescope with a wide-angle (<65°) eyepiece. Have you seen this before? A good opportunity tonight. However, you may start observing only after 2 a.m. onwards. In the course of this night, both planets will rise higher in the sky, improving their visibility and observability.

23.7. Pluto in opposition
The dwarf planet with the big heart will be in opposition to the Sun today and will reach a brightness of 14.3 magnitudes. Therefore this former planet is only visible with large telescopes. It is however possible to image it with smaller telescopes. For the mere observation search charts are recommended.

30.7. Delta Aquarids
Watch out for the Delta Aquarids on July 30th. These meteors appear in the constellation of Aquarius and reach a maximum rate of 25 each per hour. The best time for observation is before midnight, as the Moon will appear above the horizon during the second half of the night. An interesting event for all who love shooting stars.

30.7. The Moon meets Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus
In the early morning of July 30th the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter can be observed in a striking constellation, close to the most famous star cluster – the Pleiades. Framed by the prominent stars Aldebaran and Capella, they create an impressive picture in the night sky. If you look into the sky at the beginning of dawn, you can really only admire this beautiful sight.

12.8. Perseids
A cosmic performance unfolds in the vast and rich nightsky of August: The Perseid meteor shower.
The Perseids, as they are called by astronomers, shoot numerous times across the sky this evening and we look up with anticipation. Perhaps we will discover bright examples that we can particularly enjoy.
The media often promises a “spectacular fireworks display of 100 shooting stars per hour, a true rain of shooting stars”. This is often an exaggeration, but even without exaggerating the Perseids can be a sensory and fascinating experience for us.
The Moon is now in its first quarter and will set before midnight. After that we can observe in darkness and undisturbed by stray light. All that’s missing is a comfortable blanket, a warm tea and friends who are enthusiastic about observing – so this evening may become a true success.

14.8. Mars meets Jupiter
In the early hours of August 14th a remarkable event will take place for observers, as Mars and Jupiter will approach each other at an extremely close distance of only 0.3 degrees. This short distance is extremely rare compared to the usual distances between planets in the sky and will appear almost, as if the two planets are touching. An ideal opportunity to grab binoculars or a telescope and observe the event. You can see both planets in one field of view, even at high magnification – a spectacular sight that does not happen very often.

21.8. The Moon covers Saturn
In the night of August 21st a very special spectacle presents itself: The Moon will cover the planet Saturn. Although the Moon and Saturn are already visible during the evening hours, the actual occultation does not occur until the early morning hours. At 5:32 a.m., when the Moon approaches Saturn from its illuminated side, the occultation begins. The ringed planet disappears behind the Moon for about an hour and then re-appears around 6:32 a.m. on the unilluminated side of the Moon. At that time the Moon will still be above the horizon, although the Sun will have already risen about 10 minutes earlier.

26.8. The Moon meets the Pleiades
On August 26th an interesting astronomical encounter will take place: The Moon will be in the famous Pleiades star cluster. Additionally, the Moon will move from the West towards the bright star Atlas and cover it in the early morning hours (from 5:40 a.m.). That is not all however, because in the constellation of Taurus there is still more to discover: If you look a little lower, you will find the planets Mars and Jupiter. The planet Uranus is in the same constellation as well, but since it is only visible with binoculars or a telescope, you will need a search chart.

27.8. The Moon meets Jupiter and Mars
In the night of August 27th it is worth looking again at Taurus, which appears above the horizon in the second half of the night. The constellation is accompanied by the planets Jupiter and Mars. Especially at early dawn, when the sky turns blueish, they form an incredibly beautiful trio together with the waning Moon.

Universe2go+: The next generation of mobile stargazing

June 3 2024, Marcus Schenk

Dear star enthusiasts and night sky enthusiasts. We have news that we have been looking forward to for a long time. Today we present to you Universe2go+, the next generation of mobile stargazing. The popular AR handheld planetarium has been further developed to make the starry sky more interactive and even better to experience. Whether you are a hobby astronomer or a beginner in observation: Universe2go+ takes you on an exciting journey of discovery through the universe with new technology and improved design. It expands the reality of the starry sky with many additional digital information.

New horizons: The exciting innovations of Universe2go+

Universe2go has received a “+” in its name. We want to list the reasons for this briefly, because both the app and the star glasses convince with helpful updates.

1 You probably know it yourself, smartphones have become larger in recent years. Therefore, the new handheld planetarium now accommodates larger smartphones up to the maximum dimensions of 167x78x11 millimeters. With many models, you can even leave the phone case on the device.

2 A more intuitive design: When you open the menu, you immediately notice the change, because it has been completely redesigned. Instead of a list, it appears in a round and clear design that requires hardly any space. All information and settings are understandable and immediately accessible.

3 The newly implemented plate-solving technology ensures unparalleled precision in star recognition and has been introduced in addition to the existing sensor functions. What does that mean for you? In short, higher accuracy. The camera of your smartphone now takes on a significant part of the work. Together with the improved Universe2go+ app (for Android and iPhone), star patterns are analyzed and celestial objects are precisely identified. It is fascinating when the digital star images appear almost magically directly above the real stars.

4 We have also made adjustments to the controls. The star background of the virtual sky is no longer made up of simple representations, but of a naturally appearing graphic. All new features and changes provide an even more intense experience when you gaze at the stars on a clear evening.


The universe awaits: What Universe2go+ still offers

In addition to the mentioned new features, Universe2go+ offers a variety of other functions that are useful for every stargazer. With the gigantic integrated database (which contains the entire Hipparcos catalog with its 120,000 stars), you can travel wherever you want. For example, to all 88 constellations that adorn our sky. And even more: Explore the planets of our solar system or find over 150 deep-sky objects. All with sharply rendered images. Universe2go+ also has something for your ears, as an audio guide talks for a total of over 3 hours about planets, stars, and nebulae. Because the audio part was recorded with a professional speaker, listening is particularly enjoyable. The traditional mythology of the constellations is also not neglected. Did you know that the sky is full of stories? Universe2go+ is not just your ticket to the stars, it is a whole library full of interstellar information that you can experience live and even in color. This way, you will become an expert on our starry sky almost effortlessly. With the new Universe2go+, take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of astronomy – a combination of real sky observation and digital exploration.

iOptron CEM40 + GEM45: Now at great bargain prices

June 1 2024, Jan Ströher

Take a look at the impressive technology of the iOptron CEM40 and GEM45 mounts, now available at reduced prices for a limited time. Convince yourself of their versatile features and excellent weight-to-payload ratio.

The iOptron GEM45 mount has a sleek design and an excellent weight-to-payload ratio, plus an integrated electronic polar finder, user-friendly locking levers, internal cable management, a versatile self-centering saddle, an energy-saving stepper motor drive system and an advanced GoTo system with over 212,000 objects plus optional Wi-Fi.

The CEM40 weighs just 8.2kg, but can support optical instruments and accessories up to 18kg. This impressive ratio of 2.5 between payload capacity and weight makes the CEM40 so versatile. You can transport it to the best observation sites under dark skies or set it up on a small pier in your backyard observatory.

We are having the iOptron CEM40 and GEM45 mounts on sale until 31 July!

Make your choice now. As long as supplies last!

Up to 35% off large binoculars: discover the starry sky with Omegon

June 1 2024, Marcus Schenk

Are you a hobby astronomer or nature watcher looking for a pair of binoculars that will reveal every detail? Then take advantage of our special offers on large binoculars and save up to 35% for a limited period only.

Vividly experience the beauty of the universe with Omegon binoculars. Or, when observing nature, bring distant objects up close. On a stable tripod, these binoculars with their large objective lens diameter will reveal the full light-gathering capability that only binoculars with lenses of 50mm or more can deliver.

A short overview of the binocular series: bargains for June and July

Explore nature by day and by night with Brightsky binoculars. At up to 100mm in diameter, their large, multi-coated objective lenses collect plenty of light – even at dusk. Choose between 45° angled eyepieces for nature watching, or 90° for observing the stars. The magnesium housing ensures that your binoculars are particularly lightweight, and it is waterproof and nitrogen-purged. Brightsky binoculars combine well with a sturdy tripod or with the Omegon Colossus mount.


Ultra-light binoculars for observing stars and nature. With its magnesium housing, it is lightweight and perfect for outdoor use. Thanks to BAK-4 prisms and multi-coating, you will enjoy crisp contrast combined with high edge sharpness. Argus binoculars are comfortable to use, even for spectacles wearers. The eyepieces are individually focusable for stable, balanced sharpness.

Nightstar is the entry-level series of binoculars designed for observing the night sky. The already well-priced but good-quality binoculars are now even more of a bargain. An insider’s tip is the popular 20+40×100 binoculars: with these you can really dive deep into the starry sky.

Take a look at our low prices on astronomy binoculars – only until the end of July 2024.


Discover the Apo summer: up to 32% discount on Omegon apochromats!

June 1 2024, Marcus Schenk

The summer temperatures do not only bring fresh greens and landscapes in bloom, but also an astronomical discount campaign. Look forward to up to 32% discount on our first-class Omegon apochromats – the perfect addition to your astrophotographic equipment.

The right time for an Apochromat

The nights are getting warmer again, giving many amateur astronomers the idea of spending time under the stars. This time of year is a wonderful time to go galaxy hunting. With our Omegon Apochromats – including excellent sharpness and field correction – you can capture even the smallest details of the Universe.

Triangulum galaxy, Messier 33, Pedro Moreno & Carlos Malagon, 104/650 ED Triplet, Atik460EX 

M33 galaxy by Pedro Moreno & Carlos Malagon with the Omgeon APO 104/650 ED Triplet and Atik 460EX

A stable mount is essential for your telescope. iOptron mounts are proven to be reliable partners for the Omegon APOs. Now is the perfect time to take your hobby to the next level – with an Omegon Apochromat of your choice.

Take advantage of this now: These low prices are only available until 07/31/2024.

Skywatcher telescopes at a special price – ideal for beginners!

May 27 2024, Stefan Taube

You can now purchase selected Skywatcher telescopes at a special price:

Take advantage of these favourable prices now for your entry into astronomy: The offer is only valid while stocks last!

By the way, we also offer other telescopes and mounts from Skywatcher at a special price: You can find all items here in the shop!

Celestron RASA 800 AVX with autoguider: A powerful package for astrophotography!

May 13 2024, Stefan Taube

The Celestron brand has put together a package comprising the f/2.2 RASA 800 astrograph, the tried-and-tested Advanced VX mount and the new StarSense autoguider camera.

Save money with the set: Celestron Astrograph S 203/400 RASA 800 AVX autoguider

RASA stands for Rowe-Ackermann-Schmidt-Astrograph:

  • Super-fast optics for extremely short exposure times!
  • Excellent focussing mechanism!
  • Quiet 12V MagLev fan allows optimal air cycle in the tube

The StarSense autoguider offers many advantages:

  • Automatic alignment and support during polar alignment
  • Precise GoTo: Improves the positioning accuracy of your Celestron mount!
  • Autoguiding: Tracks celestial objects precisely, for pinpoint stars even on long-exposure astrophotos!

You do not need a separate laptop for the StarSense autoguider, but can simply operate it via the NexStar hand control.

As a set you save money compared to the sum of the individual prices! The offer is only valid until 15 June 2024, grab it now here in the shop!


May 8 2024, Stefan Rieger

Fujinon Techno-Stabi TS 12x28

Most people know the problem: you often want to see more details, but you don’t want to take a spotting scope with you. And binoculars with a higher magnification are so wobbly that the magnification advantage cannot be utilised. For this reason, binoculars with an image stabiliser have been developed.

Now we can offer you the Fujinon Techno-Stabi TS 12×28 at a special price for a short time.

Enjoy unblurred observations and grab them quickly!

250 € voucher for free: with the purchase of an Omegon 84mm HD spotting scope

May 8 2024, Marcus Schenk

Experience nature up close: The Omegon Zoom-Spotting Scope ED 20-60x84mm HD makes it possible. This high-quality spotting scope shows the beauty of wildlife right before your eyes.

For a limited time we are offering a 250 EUR voucher with the purchase of an Omegon Zoom-Spotting Scope ED 20-60x84mm HD. Take this exclusive opportunity for the enhancement of your nature observations!

• With an 84mm objective lens opening excellent observations are possible, even at dusk when the contrast in basic spotting scopes begins to fade. The ED optics ensure crystal-clear vision with brighter images.

• Simply practical: Combine the Omegon spotting scope with any 1.25-inch eyepieces. For example with a simple 15mm eyepiece you will achieve a wide view with 32x magnification – an experience otherwise known only from astronomical telescopes.

This is the main reason why this spotting scope of our Omegon model range has been a popular companion for nature observers for quite a long time now.

Act now and safe yourself this exceptional spotting scope including a 250 EUR voucher!

Please not that this offer is only valid from May 1st until July 31st, 2024. The voucher is redeemable until December 31st, 2027. Available only while supplies last!


April 22 2024, Stefan Rieger

For a short time, we have reduced the sales prices for many of the top brands by 10%!

E.g. for binoculars and scopes of the brands ZEISS, Leica, Swarovski, Fujinon, Meopta, Nikon, Steiner, Kowa, DDoptics, Minox, Hawke

So take advantage and benefit from our special prices!